Some common mistakes while managing our Cats

Hey there, I am DR. Usama Bashir, a serving vet. We are going to discuss here some common mistakes while managing felines.



Washing of water bowl:

 A cat's sense of smell is up to 14 times more acute than a human's. Make sure not to use dishwashing products with strong scents if we wash their water or food bowl. Strong scents are disliked by cats, and they may not drink water from their bowl if they are present.



Abrupt diet change:

 An abrupt change in diet cats is routine-oriented animals. They dislike change, particularly when it affects their food. They believe that trying new foods is dangerous and unsettling. Cats favor foods that they have previously determined to be secure. However, there may be occasions when you want to switch your cat's food.

It's critical to keep in mind that a sudden change in a cat's diet may lead to diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and sickness of feline. You should introduce new foods to your cat intermittently. Add small quantities of the new food to the old one, at the beginning. Then gradually increase the intake of the new food while reducing the intake of the old food daily.



Avoid Chocolate treats to Cats:

As feeding chocolate treats to cats is toxic, there are times when our love for someone might be upsetting for the cherished. Theobromine, a substance found in chocolate, is poisonous to both cats and dogs. It stimulates them to beat their hearts faster and causes more urination to lose more body fluids, both of which can be fatal.





Litter box mistakes:

 As a rule of thumb, it's best to have at least one and a half litter boxes per cat so if you have one cat you need two litter boxes two cats three litter boxes. They see their litter boxes as more than just a bathroom. It's their private place and somewhere they can call all their own. Another reason to consider multiple litter boxes is cleanliness. Cats are very clean animals and they hate dirty smelly litter boxes if a cat's litter box is not clean enough, they're more likely to do their business on the floor. Having an extra box in the house ensures when you've been too busy to clean up. Your cats have somewhere tidy to relieve themselves likewise it's important to invest in a good fragrance-free cat litter box and place it in a quiet room that's free of frequent activity. If your cat is litter trained but urinates on the floor, it's usually either a sign of urinary tract infections or a dirty litter box.

Toxic house plants:

Some plants are toxic to cats. Removing toxic plants from your house or moving them to a room to which your kitty doesn't have access is the best way to protect your cat. Cats may ingest toxic plant substances while they lick themselves because they can be pollen or seeds stuck in their fur. Even worse some cats may chew on the leaves or Vines of toxic plants. Among the most toxic plants are daffodils, English ivy, azaleas, calla lilies, aloe, begonias, and ficus giving bones to them contrary to what cartoons often show house cats have no business gnawing on fish skeletons or any cooked bones is a serious danger to felines because they can Splinter and get stuck in the cat's throat or stomach.

 Essential oils and diffusers:

Because cats lack the enzymes necessary to properly metabolize essential oils, they can be hazardous when inhaled, applied to the skin, or swallowed. Essential oils are also present in pesticides. Scented cleaning products, many of the essential oils used in aroma diffusers, just as hand sanitizers or skin moisturizers, are harmful to cats because they can become stuck on their fur and end up in their stomachs when they lick or groom themselves.





Training of your cats:

Like dogs, cats can be trained. Training your cat will strengthen your relationship and their quality of life. For instance, you can teach them to get off the counter or, more generally, not to scratch your furniture when they jump on it. You mention a crucial term, such as "off." Click the clicker to indicate their compliance with your instructions, then give them a treat. Receiving a reward for a behavior encourages others to repeat it.

Cat sleeping arrangements that are appropriate:

It's crucial to keep in mind that cats enjoy a comfortable place to nap, even if that place happens to be a top of a computer terminal or display. The cat could obstruct air vents, posing a risk of fire and dangerous overheating. You can avoid dangers by providing your kitty with a heating pad.

Respect the nature of cats:

Cats are neither a dog nor a child. They're unique animals with unique characteristics. They can have traits like sharpening claws or seeking out high spots that might be frustrating to some people. We must respect the unique requirements of cats as they are cats. If you give a cat a home that meets all of its wants, your relationship with them will be successful.

Cats are quite independent creatures; they don't want to be showered with love and occasionally require some alone. Make sure you give them all the privacy they require. You should also give your cat a spot to hide where they can feel safe and comfortable.

Packing food for storage:

 It's crucial to correctly store and seal the cat food in an airtight container because it didn't come in the food's original packaging preventing it from going bad and drying out so it doesn't go rancid or lose its useful substances. 


 Exercise for cats:

 Cats, like dogs, require frequent exercise to burn off excess energy and maintain good health. Making a cat chase their preferred toys around the home is the easiest method to get them to move. A great method to keep cats occupied is interactive toys like wand toys with feathers, strings, or other prey-like attachments that mimic a cat's predatory behavior. It's crucial to give your cat a scratching post or cat tree as well. Scratching posts help them sharpen their claws and stretch their muscles and cat trees help them climb over and play on.

Feeding the milk:

Although feeding cow's milk to cats is thoughtful. As a pet lovers, it hurts them more than it helps. This is because cats are lactose intolerant. In fact, they will have a stomach problem within 10 to 12 hours after consuming it.



Not enough water:

Due to their dislike of water, many cats don't drink enough of it. As a result, individuals are more likely to get kidney disorders as well as urinary crystals. Usually, this can be avoided by simply introducing wet food to your cat's diet. Even better, have numerous water bowls around the house and move your cat's water bowl away from their food and litter box. You may even add a little water to your cat's food. Most cats dislike having their food and water near one another. Additionally, it's advisable to get your cat a water fountain because most cats like rushing water.

Ignorance of vomiting:

Some people think that it's okay for a cat to vomit once a week but it's not while vomiting a few times a year or an occasional hairball. Normal vomiting once a week means there is a problem and a vet visit is necessary.


Neglecting dental hygiene:

Cats require routine dental care just like people. Their teeth need to be brushed just like yours do because they are frequently the home to hundreds of microorganisms. Ideally, a vet should examine your pet's teeth at least once a year. The only way to make sure your pet is in the best possible health if they don't frequently visit the vet is to bring them in for a checkup. Regular checkups make it simple to identify potential issues and diseases before they cause too much harm. Make sure your pet receives all of the necessary immunizations.

 Bathing the Cats:

Cats are excellent at grooming themselves and they really need to be washed.  If you decide to wash them once or twice a year is enough. By washing your cat frequently, you're doing them no favors.

Not avoiding hairballs:

Cats ingest a lot of the hair they pick up while grooming themselves. The bulk of this hair easily passes through their digestive system, but some of it remains and forms a hairball in the stomach. Your cat will frequently vomit up the hairball to get rid of it. You can brush your cat once a day and increase the fiber in its diet to prevent the development of hairballs. A high-fiber diet reduces shedding and enhances the health of a cat's coat.

 At last but not least, extend more love towards your felines and you can expect the same from other side.

Dr. Usama Bashir

DVM, IUB Bahawalpur, Pk

Whatsapp: +923065081437.